
IATSE Local 891 is a democratic, non-profit organization. Members elect officers, officials, trustees, and department chairs to represent the Local both within IATSE Local 891, within its trusts, and in the broader industry. Elected officers form the Executive Board, which meets at least once a month. Elected department chairs, plus the Executive Board, form the Executive Committee, which meets in the months where no regular General Meetings are scheduled. All members in good standing can attend and vote at quarterly General Meetings.

Please click here for IATSE 891's Media Policy, approved by the Executive Board on October 4, 2023.

The day-to-day business of the Local is conducted through the offices of the President, Business Representative, Senior Steward, the Executive Board and Executive Committee.

Elected Officers

The President

Presides over Local 891 members in accordance with our Constitution and By-Laws and parliamentary law set forth in Roberts Rules of Order. The President is responsible for the operation of the office of Local 891, enforces the Constitution and By-Laws, enforces and administers collective agreements with employers and is charged with safeguarding the integrity of the Local. The President has the authority to call meetings and is a member ex-officio of all committees except the elections committee. The President also appoints all committee chairs.

The Vice President

Assumes the duties of the President at his/her request or absence.

The Corresponding Secretary

Is responsible for all communications made by Local 891.

The Recording Secretary

Prepares minutes of meetings of Local 891 for the use of the Executive Board.

The Treasurer

Ensures that accurate records are kept of all of the Local's financial matters and oversees all investments of Local 891 monies.

The Member-at-Large

Investigates and, if necessary, forwards to the appropriate body any internal Local 891 issues or alleged violations of the Constitution and By-Laws.

The Sergeant-at-Arms

Keeps a record of persons present at meetings and enforces compliance with any rules of order adopted at the meetings. The Sergeant-at-Arms is the official scrutineer for all elections of Local 891.

Elected Officials

The Business Representative

Actively pursues production work and promotes British Columbia and the Yukon as a film location. The Business Representative is involved in all instances in the collective bargaining between Local 891 and employers, implements policies of 891 within the production industry and the broader community, acts as a Trustee for the Health Benefits Plan, and administers Local 891's advertising and promotional budgets.

The Senior Steward

The main duty of the Senior Steward is to execute and enforce the Collective Agreement. The Senior Steward appoints or oversees the election of a Shop Steward on every production, oversees and assists Shop Stewards in their interactions with members and Employers, and acts as a liaison between the Employer representatives and Local 891. The Senior Steward works toward establishing and maintaining a friendly and cooperative dialogue with industry Employers.

Executive Board

The Executive Board of IATSE Local 891 maintains the ongoing operation of the Local and reports to and makes recommendations to the membership.

The Executive Board is made up of the President, Vice-President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Member-at-Large, and the Sergeant-at-Arms.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee has the power to make decisions, on behalf of the membership, between General Membership meetings. The committee also ratifies annual budgets as presented by the Treasurer, Audit Committee and Executive Board.