
IATSE 891 Puts Safety First


IATSE 891 has a vigorous member safety training program. Training courses are 100% reimbursable. 891 training is offered in partnership with the BC Federation of Labour Health and Safety Centre. Courses are recognized by WorkSafeBC and participants receive a certificate upon course completion.

891 also partners with Actsafe to offer further safety training opportunities. Members who take Actsafe safety courses that are approved by their department can be reimbursed 100% of the course fee.

Regulations, Rights and Responsibilities

Employers and employees each have serious safety rights and responsibilities. For example, workers have the right – and a responsibility – to refuse work they believe is dangerous to themselves or others and can be held liable if they do not work safely. Learn the process for how to refusing unsafe work and take advantage of hotlines to report and discuss your safety concerns.

Safety on all productions is monitored through IATSE 891 through its participation in Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees mandated by Worksafe in any workplace that regularly employs 20 or more workers (full and/or part-time).

IATSE 891 Apps

Creation of the IATSE 891 Apps was at the direction of President Mitch Davies, who believes the more workers who can conduct their own risk assessment in the workplace, the safer they will be.

Tools and Resources

To help address member workplace safety concerns IATSE 891 funds the development of safety tools and resources.

AED Locations

Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) can save the life of someone in cardiac arrest. IATSE 891, in partnership with the BC Council of Film Unions (BCCFU) and Actsafe, has donated AEDs to a growing list of studios.

Workplace Safety Concerns?

Production shop stewards and the Senior Steward's Office are always available to assist members with safety concerns, be they physical or psychological e.g., bullying or harassment Questions or concerns? Contact or call our non-emergency anonymous hotline 604-298-3450.