In Case of Injury or Illness

What to do After an Injury at Work

  • Report any work-related injury to the production first aid attendant no matter how minor it may seem. This could make it easier to deal with WorkSafeBC should the injury progress into something more serious.
  • It’s not too late to report a “minor” injury in the days following the incident if it becomes more serious than originally thought. However, it’s much easier to report it on the day it happens.
  • Ask for a copy of the first aid report, especially if working on a re-shoot or wrapping a set. Once the production has wrapped, it may be impossible to obtain one.
  • Report the injury to WorkSafeBC by calling their teleclaim line 1-888-WORKERS (1-888-967-5377).
  • Follow the treatment recommended by your doctor while waiting for WorkSafeBC to make a decision regarding the claim.

For more information on WorkSafeBC claims and how IATSE Local 891 can assist, visit WorkSafeBC support.

Short Term Disability

If you have a short term disability which means you are unable to work, you may be eligible for Short Term Disability benefit through IATSE Local 891's Health Benefits Plan. Please check the Plan Booklet for more information.

Medical Leave

IATSE Local 891 has a medical leave policy which allows a reduction in quarterly dues if members are unable to work because of a verifiable illness or injury.

The medical leave policy (established in accordance with Article 10, Funds and Financial Obligations, of the IATSE Local 891 Constitution) is meant to assist active members who are unable to work due to medical disability, with their dues.

An active member may qualify for medical leave status with medical proof of disability from work. Medical leave status provides the qualified member with the following for a maximum of one year:

  • A reduction in dues to $50 per quarter;
  • A waiver of applicable late payment fines and penalties (i.e., suspension and/or expulsion).

Applications for medical leave status must be made in writing by filling out both sections of the medical leave policy and request for medical leave form.

  1. Please be advised that an application for medical leave status is not an application for short term disability benefits through the Health Benefits Plan. This must be applied for separately. Visit our forms page for the application form.
  2. When a member is granted medical leave status, he or she will be listed as not being available for work on the IATSE Local 891 dispatch roster.
  3. A member on medical leave status planning to return to work will not be listed as available for work on the IATSE Local 891 dispatch roster until written notice of their planned return-to-work date has been provided to the Health Benefits Representative.
  4. Once written notification of the member's return-to-work date has been received, the member is required to pay all outstanding dues incurred during the medical leave status period by the next quarterly dues payment deadline, or be subject to applicable late payment fines and penalties.
  5. The member will commence full dues payments beginning the quarter following the conclusion of their medical leave status, and he or she will be subject to the applicable late payment fines and penalties. Any monies owed to IATSE Local 891 prior to commencement of medical leave status must also be paid at this time.
  6. A member discovered working while on medical leave may have his or her medical leave revoked and will, therefore, be responsible for full dues payment during their medical leave, retroactive to the date the member began working.
  7. A member who has their medical leave status revoked may be subject to applicable late payment fines and penalties should arrears remain unpaid beyond two (2) weeks of their revocation of medical leave status.
  8. If a member uses the maximum one (1) year of medical leave status and remains disabled from work, he or she will be subject to reassessment and will be requested to resubmit an IATSE Local 891 medical leave policy and request for medical leave form confirming continued disability.
  9. Members failing to qualify for medical leave status may appeal in writing for reconsideration to the Executive Board by contacting the Health Benefits Representative. If you have any questions concerning the Membership Medical Leave Policy or your eligibility, please contact the IATSE Local 891 Health Benefits Representative.

Medical Leave Policy and Request for Medical Leave Form.

Problems with a WorkSafeBC Claim?

Please visit WorkSafeBC Support for more information.