In 1998, IATSE Local 891 created a scholarship program to assist members and their dependents to pursue degree granting post-secondary studies. The scholarships are awarded primarily on academic achievement with significant consideration given to additional achievements and merits.
Ten scholarships of $5,000 each are awarded to members in good standing or their eligible dependents (see the application form for a definition of eligible dependent) enrolled full time in pursuit of a degree which relates to film, media, theatre, or fine arts, at any Canadian or international accredited post-secondary institution.
Ten scholarships of $5,000 are awarded to members in good standing or their dependents enrolled full time in pursuit of a degree in at any Canadian or international accredited post-secondary institution.
Click below for the application form, FAQs, and information on how to submit your application. Application deadline: Thursday, May 15, 2025, at 3:00 pm.
Born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1943, Gavin B. Craig emigrated to Canada as a young man. At the age of 20, he became a member of IATSE Local 891, and remained a member until his passing on July 31, 2018. At various times during his fifty-four years of membership in Local 891, Gavin served as president of the Local, as an International Vice President, and as chairperson of the Grip Department. Gavin was a strong voice on the Local 891 bargaining committee, and served the Local on many ad hoc committees. A sincere and tireless advocate of trade unionism, Gavin spent his semi-retirement visiting high schools throughout the Lower Mainland educating students about the benefits and responsibilities of trade unionism. His contribution to Local 891 is inestimable. Always the voice of fairness, equality and common sense, Gavin was an active participant in the governance of the Local, whether or not he held elected office.
The Gavin B. Craig Scholarship Award has been established to honour his legacy and contribution to our local and our community. Each year, five scholarships of $10,000 will be awarded to high school seniors to assist with their post-secondary education. These funds will disbursed over four years at $2,500 per year.
Click below for the application form, FAQs, and information on how to submit your application. Application deadline: Saturday, March 15, 2025, at 3:00 pm.
IATSE International offers five annual scholarships funded by the Richard F. Walsh/Alfred W. Di Tolla/Harold P. Spivak Foundation of $2,500 per year for four years. The scholarships are open to the sons and daughters of members in good standing and who are high school seniors at the time of application. The deadline is December 31.
Participants in the annual CLC Winter School may apply for various scholarships to assist with the cost of the program. A list of these scholarships can be found on the Winter School website.